Frequently Asked Questions about Freemasonry

Is Freemasonry a Secret Society?

No. Freemasonry has publicly displayed buildings and our members are always willing to discuss their Masonic affiliation and the work we do. Freemasons participate in public events such as parades and work publicly in charities in their local area. Our yearly installations of Officers are open to the public. Freemasons do keep many of their formal ceremonies private to preserve longstanding traditions.

Can I join Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is open to adult men of all races and religions. If you are interested in Masonic membership, the three requirements for joining Masonry are simple:

  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • You must be of good moral character
  • You must have a belief in a supreme being.

Masonry is open to men of all races and religions that meet the above age, moral, and belief requirements.

The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts does not have strict requirements governing exactly which Lodge (geographically speaking) within the state you must join. We generally recommend that you join a Lodge within reasonable driving distance of your work or home so that you can attend and enjoy Lodge frequently. If Littleton is not a reasonable distance from where you are, you can contact us and we can help you locate a Lodge closer to where you are.

Freemasonry is unique among organizations in that we exist only to promote brotherhood, moral behavior, and perform charitable work. If you are interested in membership, please contact us. We will set up a time where you can come in and meet with us to learn more about Freemasonry and Tahattawan Lodge.

Is Freemasonry a religion?

No. While Freemasons are encouraged to worship in the religious institution of their own choosing, and while Freemasons all must have a belief in a Supreme Being, Freemasonry is not a religion. In fact, one of the two issues that cannot be discussed in a Lodge is religion (The other is politics).

Why don’t Masons discuss Religion or Politics in a Lodge?

Since the early days of Masonry, discussions of Religion or Politics have been prohibited. It is felt that these are subjects that tend to separate men, rather than bring them together. Since the Masonic fraternity prides itself on warm, harmonious relationships between members, we avoid any discussion of religion or politics.

If I choose to join, what will I encounter in the Masonic degrees?

Masonic degree ceremonies are like plays that are performed by the Officers of the Lodge for the candidates. The degree ceremonies are intended to teach lessons of friendship, morality, charity, and Brotherly love. There is never anything embarrassing or intimidating to the candidate in any of the ceremonies.

I have heard that Masons take an “obligation” – what is this obligation?

Masons take an obligation to help fellow Masons to the best of their ability. However, whenever this obligation is mentioned it is always preceded with a statement wherein the Mason acknowledges that obligations to his God, his country, his neighbor, his family, and himself come first, before Masonry.